Monday, August 11, 2014

The Continuing Saga of Finn

Finn is a happy loving little dog. Loves to go for walks with my friend Lynda and her dog Honey. Rides well in the car. Housebroken, which is a step up from Fred in his old age. Is very busy most of the time.

BUT, when he is alone....

Finn is a trash picker,  a recycle hound, and a look for anything I shouldn't have dog. We had gotten used to our shoes getting tossed all over the house when we were gone...then came the stolen teddy bears out of Rachel's room. Her favorite of all time, Snowbear..... then came the bathroom emptied of all kinds of "ladies things" as Gee would say....pads and Tampax in various degrees of destruction all over the downstairs hall....the recycling was next....bottles and boxes shredded better that if we dropped them through a shredder....the white wouldn't think a dog would want packages of instant oatmeal and hot chocolate....they were everywhere, the stains on the rug in the hall is proof ....and finally the trash....we had coffee grounds, and yucky stuff from one end of the kitchen to another....

So where as other people make sure they lock the doors, close windows if it's going to rain we have a few more things to do in order to leave the house.... Close the gates, keeping Finn out of the dining room and living room...close the doors of Rachel's and Clayton's rooms....lock shut the bathroom cabinet.....put the large box that holds the dog food in front of the white cabinet, it has no latch....put the trash and recycling into the downstairs bathroom, shutting the door tight, otherwise Finn can pull it open with the plastic bag holder....make sure the butter, pens, pencils, and anything else you don't want chewed, are not on the table. Grab anything you need to take with you....keys, bags, lunch and any thing else, give Finn a dentastick and head for door before Finn finishes eating, he will fight to go with you....

Many would say bring him back to the shelter, to much of a problem......well, if you saw that "smile" when you got home, or felt that warm little body leaning against your leg, or that tail wagging so fast it looks like it is going in circles, you might think like I do..........he's mine and he's here and I love a challenge!