Friday, January 7, 2011

Take It To The Hoop

One of the teachers I work with graduated with Clayton. His mom and I travailed to every football game and basketball game the boys were playing in. We all work together now.

Gee didn't call varsity basketball, you only got one game. Hardly worth the gas. He did however call freshman and JV. If Gardner was playing he would come sit with Lynda and I when his games were done. The crowd would be yelling and nothing could be heard on the floor, just muffled noise. Mike would break for the basket, running to the noise of a yelling crowd and through all that noise he would hear Gee yell, "take it to the hoop"and if he scored, "boonyoew, there it is." Mike would point into the stands at Gee as he headed back down the court.

While I was out and Gee was so ill the teacher's were playing some 3 on3 during the talent show. When one of the guys was carrying the ball down the court, Lynda hears Mike yell.."Take it to the hoop.....she turned and looked at Mike, he says that one's for Gee.

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